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North Bend Eagle



City donates to library drive

by Nathan Arneal
published 12/09/09

The North Bend City Council donated $20,000 to the new library drive at its Dec. 1 meeting.

Deanna Wolf and Pat Beebe attended the meeting as representatives of the North Bend Library Foundation, and asked the Council to donate some of the money the city receives from keno. Keno funds must be used for community betterment projects.

All keno funds are currently tied up in CDs, but after some discussion, the Council agreed to donate $20,000 to the library’s capital campaign once a CD matures in March. The Council also said it will keep the library in mind for future keno fund considerations.

In other Council business:
• Tabled discussion on an amount of keno funds to donate to the arboretum trail paving project to see how much money will be needed after other donations are made.
• Mayor Jeff Kluthe made the following departmental appointments for the next year: maintenance supervisor- Larry Hilliard; city clerk, treasurer- Theresa Busse; health and safety- Emily Kirschenmann; pool and park- Lisa Voss; auditorium- Kevin Ferguson; water and sewer- Tim Blackmon; street superintendent and city engineer: JEO; council president- Ferguson.
• Kent Speicher reviewed the 2008-2009 audit of the city.lah.

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