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The North Bend Eagle


Finals days of Methodist church planned

by Mary Le Arneal
Published 12/15/10

The First United Methodist Church of North Bend will hold its final service on Jan. 9 at 9:30 a.m. It will be conducted by Missouri River District Superintendent the Rev. Dr. Dan Flanagan.

Methodists want to be active in final days
Methodists celebrate 150th year from Sept. 2008, including slideshow

Lay minister Dorothy Smith has been leading the church the past six months, but with decreasing numbers and increasing cost of maintaining the building, the church has been closed. There are still plans for a Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 5:30 p.m.

Jan. 2, beginning at noon, there will be an public auction of the churches contents.
The Jan. 9 final service will include past ministers who served in the North Bend church. The public is invited to attend. There will be a catered meal in the Doane Room following the final service.

The Methodist Church was the first church established in North Bend. It began as a mission in 1857, the year after the town began, served by circuit riders. In 1872 the first church building was built and in 1912 the present church was constructed, with a number of remodeling jobs following.

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