
2014 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.
12/24/14- Sacred Heart church, windows brighter 12/17/14- School Board: Addition getting final touches 12/17/14- Decades later, classic tractor comes home 12/17/14- NBC test scores 7th in state 12/10/14- Pallat ready for 100th birthday 12/03/14- Public gets first view of NBC additions, renovations 12/03/14- Johnson retires from dental practice 11/26/14- NBC weight room moves into new home 11/26/14- Web site ranks NBC fifth best school in state 11/19/14- Piece of Berlin Wall displayed near North Bend 11/19/14- Local economy gets boost from school construction project 11/12/14- Desire to help put Feala in Vietnam 11/12/14- Governor seeks Dodge Co. senator 11/05/14- Gerke shares gifts south of equator
11/05/14- 1930 house on the move 11/04/14- Local Election Results 10/29/14- Six vying for school board seats 10/22/14- School Board: new technology to reach every student 10/15/14- Highway 30 Expressway plan gets mixed reviews 10/08/14- Dolezal opens diesel repair shop 10/08/14- Limbach still fighting cystic fibrosis after transplant 10/08/14- USDA: prepare for record yields 10/01/14- Volleyball team raising money to help rival player 10/01/14- Grant to help more go to college 9/24/14- Open house to discuss Highway 30 expressway 9/17/14- School board: Tax levy reduced 9/10/14- NBGC league plants tree in memory of player killed in tornado 9/10/14- ATV's, not golf carts, on streets to be voted on 9/10/14- Fischer back home after accident 8/27/14- City Council: Old Settlers carnival placement put on hold 8/27/14- Mullallys open site for business expansion 8/20/14- New teachers starting year at NBC 8/20/14- School board: Looking for gym floor with "pop" 8/13/14- Legion cooks, serves for 60th year 8/13/14- City Council: Council declares two properties nuisances 8/13/14- City Council: Old Settlers carnival wants more space 8/06/14- Gate erected at pioneer cemetery
7/30/14- Archived Eagles now available online
7/23/14- Wehner survives bulls, adventure of a lifetime 7/23/14- NBC alumni playing key roles in school construction
7/21/14- Johanns: Don't play politics on the dinner plate 7/16/14- Cerny Salvage closes with sale
7/14/14- Fortenberry: Border children causing outrage, debate 7/09/14- Von Rein named parade grand marshal
7/05/14- Slideshow: Old Settlers 2014 7/03/14- Slideshow: Kiddie parade 7/02/14- Westermans claim Loving Cup 6/25/14- Kruger hosting open house in renovated library building 6/25/14- Remembering Our Fallen exhibit on display in North Bend 6/25/14- Community Foundation needs help unwrapping $10,000 gift 6/25/14- City Council: Restriction holding up land transfer 6/18/14- Wildlife Encounters bringing wild edge to Old Settlers 6/18/14- School board tours organized choas of construction
6/13/14- Heineman: Highway 30 bypass around North Bend planned for 2016 6/13/14- Fortenberry: A look back at D-Day 6/11/14- Family search yields surprise siblings 6/11/14- McVicker bringing North Bend to North Bend 6/04/14- Schneider excited about Corner Café 6/04/14- New owners take over Ron's Pharmacy 5/28/14- Ritenours retiring from Corner Café 5/15/14- Video: Lux topples 21-year high jump record 5/14/14- Trio of NBC teachers retiring 5/14/14- Dirkschneider glides to SP record 5/07/14- New mural adorns VFW Hall 5/07/14- Vandals strike Vet Park 4/30/14- City Council: ATV ordinance to go to a vote 4/30/14- Ziettlow enjoys return to Boston Marathon
4/29/14- Johanns: A blueprint for housing reform 4/23/14- School Board: NBC reclaims lost money 4/23/14- Hunke donates 100th unit of blood 4/16/14- Lux, Walla add names to record book 4/16/14- Golf course ready for spring 4/09/14- Flesher crowned kolache queen 4/07/14- Johanns: How to save a billion lives 4/02/14- Kavan enjoys snowy honor flight 4/02/14- Improved sign makes honoring vets warmer
3/27/14- Fischer: Steps takes to deal with Putin, EPA 3/26/14- Women in Ag: Kavan loves the land, work
3/26/14- Lincoln Arneal: Long suffering Red Zoner finally enjoys March Sweetness 3/24/14- Janssen: Legislative session entering home stretch 3/21/14- Fortenberry: Why should Nebraskans care about the Ukraine?
3/19/14- School board: Accreditation visit, construction update 3/12/14- City Council: Co-op to build 3/12/14- Flood insurance relief in sight 3/05/14- Nebraska preps for 150th 2/26/14- Benders sweep county spelling bee 2/26/14- More file for election 2/19/14- Otte, Moser keep blood flowing 2/19/14- School board: construction changes approved 2/12/14- Italian loving the good life in Nebraska 2/12/14- Bowling teams win state titles 2/12/14- City Council: sewer maintenance considered
2/10/14- Janssen: 2014 legislative session under way 2/05/14- Robots invade NBC classroom 2/05/14- New owners take over RJ's 1/29/14- Education continues for Kavan beyond graduation 1/29/14- School board: co-op considered 1/22/14- School board: Feurer, Jacob retire; construction toured 1/15/14- Local grads trying to make it in show business 1/08/14- Leroy's robbed, vandalized 1/08/14- Aschoff is new Chamber president 1/01/14- Fire damages Morse Bluff home
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