
2016 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.
12/28/16- Now closed St. Matthew's opens for Christmas Eve 12/23/16- Slideshow: NBE PK-2 winter concert 12/21/16- Virka thankful to see Christmas after fall 12/14/16- City Council: City budget audited, new council seated 12/14/16- Local churches plan Christmas events 12/13/16- Snyder's Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. bought by Michigan company 12/07/16- NBC organizations help fill food pantry 12/07/16- Unified bowlers second in first state meet 11/30/16- 1966 Tigers set standard teams still chasing 50 years later 11/23/16- High schoolers being exposed to variety of careers 11/16/16- Finding careers focus of NBC program 11/16/16- Churches offering free store
11/14/17- Fischer: Infrastructure like Hwy. 30 a worthy investment
11/08/16- Local results from election night 11/02/16- Ground broken on Hwy. 30 expressway 10/26/16- Llamas, alpacas finding home with Settleses
10/26/16- Tire slasher strikes again 10/19/16- School board looks to improve SB facility 10/19/16- Public invited to look at NB recycling options 10/12/16- Marxsen plays every Nebraska golf course 10/12/16-Breast cancer survivors to be honored 9/28/16- City still seeking best water option 9/28/16- Cancer pink out planned 9/21/16- School board lowers tax levy to 0.75 9/21/16- Royal couple promises greatness 9/07/16- New Tiger Stadium gets good reviews 8/24/16- Teachers teaching second generation 8/24/16- City removes recylcing bin 8/17/16- Morse Bluff sign nods to history 8/17/16- Cody family aims to finish late father's tractor restoration 8/17/16- School board looks at paved parking 8/10/16- Mullally loses weight FAST 8/10/16- City Council: Golf carts being considered for city streets 8/03/16- Snover family recieves pioneer farm award 8/03/16- Howell new to Lutheran pulpit 7/27/16- Park pavilion making room for replacement 7/27/16- City Council: new well site being sought 7/20/16- Three decades of driver's ed kept Watts on the edge of his seat 7/20/16- Watt, Orioles celebrate '66 Series 7/13/16- Blood boost helped new mother 7/06/16- PVB survives Depression, relocation in first 125 years
7/06/16- Slideshow: Old Settlers part 2
7/06/16- Slideshow: Old Settlers part 1
7/06/16- Slideshow: Find yourself in the Old Settlers parade crowd!
7/06/16- Slideshow: Old Settlers Kiddie Parade
6/29/16- Some favorite pictures from Pride of the Platte exhibit
6/22/16- Chinese dancers, dragon to entertain at Old Settlers 6/22/16- Holocaust refugee to speak at library 6/15/16- City Council: Council, planning commision disagree zoning 6/15/16- Kelberlau on Vietnam honor flight 6/15/16- Emanuel traces story of father's WWII heroism
6/08/16- Nathan: Marking 10 years of Eagling (and making up verbs) 6/08/16- Blind father sees daughter for first time 6/01/16- Hall celebrates first Mass in home church 5/31/16- Future Problem Solvers headed to international competition 5/25/16- Austrian adjusts to life in Ames 5/25/16- Library required to improve community 5/18/16- Slideshow: Images from NBC graduation 5/18/16- School board looks at dampness in wrestling room 5/11/16- NDoR gives more detail on Hwy. 30 expressway plan 5/04/16- Three teachers with 96 years experience retiring 4/27/16- Local church opening food pantry 4/27/16- Body found in the Platte River 4/27/16- NBC Booster Club may fold 4/20/16- Foltz Field press box getting upgrade 4/20/16- School Board: After-school program approved 4/13/16- NDoR tells chamber no overpass on freeway 4/13/16- City Council: Park plans passed 4/13/16- Local farmer is 'Nebraska bachelor' 4/06/16- NBC students get close-up tour of D.C. 3/30/16- Stieren is new NBC football coach 3/30/16- School board: summer projects looked at
3/23/16- North Bend water safe from lead
3/23/16- City Council: sprinklers, parking looked at 3/16/16- Ag Week: Programs train leaders 3/16/16- Woodland Cemetery getting a fencelift 3/10/16- The Eagle's live coverage of state basketball 3/09/16- NB Library branching out to Morse Bluff 3/09/16- Election slates set for board, council 3/01/16- North Bend business to be featured on Discovery Channel 2/24/16- Civics test could become HS graduation requirement 2/17/16- Walking trail proposed for North Bend 2/17/16- School board: Calendar approved 2/10/16- The Spark unites Valentines in many different ways 2/10/16- NBE teacher injured in accident 2/03/16- Dodge lifting to new records 1/27/16- Fire victims asked to help pick up the tab 1/27/16- Relaxed federal rules may make school lunch more enjoyable 1/20/16- Locals adapt to freezing cold
1/20/16- School board: Nicola welcomed back
1/19/16- Ricketts: You can help the fight against property taxes
1/13/16- Slideshow: NB Optimist tournament part one and part two 1/13/16- Seventh grade app design wins state 1/06-16- Raymonds bring the guns to NB back alley
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