
2018 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.
12/19/18- Scammer can't fool NBC
12/19/18- Scott enjoys working at Disney
12/19/18- Board sets option enrollment caps
12/12/18- New North Bend government sworn in
12/12/18- Local churches set Christmas schedules
12/05/18- Two fomer NB priests included in misconduct report to AG
12/05/18- NBC play wins district, on to state
11/21/18- NBC wins EHC-P one act contest again
11/21/18- Board: NBC math going electronic
11/21/18- Staffers of Sen. Sasse hosting mobile office in North Bend
11/14/18- NBC accepts Blue Ribbon in Washington
11/14/18- Nelson retires from NBC softball
11/6-11/27/18- General election results
10/31/18- Cleary removed from ministry after allegation
10/24/18- Safety, quick response goal of in-school deputy
10/24/18- Council: City to maintain Pioneer Lake roads
10/17/18- School board hears of ribbons, computers
10/10/18- Council: City wants tighter ordinance enforcement
10/03/18- NBC named a national Blue Ribbon School
10/03/18- Garden club marks 85 years
9/19/18- School board approves budget
9/12/18- Hartman takes part in kidney exchange
9/12/18- Council: Pioneer Lake roads and strom drains
9/05/18- Lutherans celebrate 75 years
8/29/18- Council: debates stop sign location
8/29/18- Hwy. 30 expressay work to start Sept. 4
8/22/18- Lutheran church celebrating 75 years
8/22/18- School board hears of good things
8/15/18- Morse Bluff getting new water system
8/15/18- Charter NRD board member Kavan retiring
8/15/18- Council considers buying land
8/08/18- Changes at NBE to help security, work flow
8/08/18- Chromy retires after 33 years as NBE para
8/01/18- Local Korean vets accept medals
8/01/18- Housing loan apps now available
7/25/18- Council: Annexation approved
7/18/10- Arneal: Tariff threatens newspapers
7/18/18- NBC considering police presence
7/11/18- Council: Legal oppostion to annexation presented
7/04/18- Vet Park statues get touched up
7/04/18- First Amendment campaign launched
6/27/18- Slideshow: Old Settlers Images
6/27/18- Slideshow: Old Settlers Kiddie Parade
6/27/18- Council: Annexation gets second reading
6/27/18- McVickers win Loving Cup
6/20/18- Fund to address housing crunch
6/20/18- NBFD to change billing policy
6/13/18- Peterson to headline Old Settlers
6/13/18- Locals affected by approaching expressway
6/13/18- Council: Annexation, gate ordinance get first reading
6/13/18- Kiddie Parade returns to Old Settlers
6/06/18- Commission recommends annexation
6/06/18- FCC commissioner visits North Bend farm
5/30/18- High school buddies take over Arlie's
5/23/18- Community garden proposed to city
5/23/18- Board looks at NBE upgrades
5/23/18- Memorial Day schedule includes flyover
5/16/18- New North Bend website launched
5/16/18- Slideshow: NBC Graduation
5/16/18- Annexation discussed at meeting
5/09/18- Teaching days numbered for Jelinek
5/09/18- Retiring Paasch ready for new adventures
5/02/18- City to talk annexation
5/02/18- Petersen named principal of the year
4/25/18- St. Charles getting new steps
4/25/18- Liekhus doesn't let MS slow her
4/18/18- ATM theft at PVB fails
4/11/18- German Rehda samples life as a Tiger
4/11/18- Civil War returns to NBC
3/29/18- Slideshow: NBC's "High School Musical"
3/28/18- Eagle Eats: Kolach Korner keeps Czech traditions alive in Prague
3/28/18- Easter schedule set for local churches
3/21/18- Wesely travels U.S. promoting ag, corn
3/21/18- Doctor hopes to stick around NB clinic
3/21/18- School board looks at improvements
3/14/18- Council not happy with pot holes
3/07/18- City considers moblie home parks
3/07/18- American Legion seeking military photos
2/28/18- Fischer: Promoting beef promotes Nebraska
2/28/18- Local bloodmobile coordinator sought
2/22/18- Slideshow: state wrestling
2/20/18- School board tours shop, hires teachers
2/14/18- Council adopts 2018 street plan
2/07/18- Platte Valley Bank makes leadership changes
1/17/18- Slideshow: Optimist Tournament
1/17/18- NBE nominated for state recognition
1/10/18- Locals filing for 2018 election
1/10/18- NB Physical Therapy under new ownership
1/03/18- Ruzicka organized organization business
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