The North Bend Eagle

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2008-earlier archives

2022 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.

12/28/22- Emanuel a stem cell match
12/21/22- St. Charles gets interior facelift
12/14/22- New NBC superintendent hired
12/14/22- Local church Christmas schedules
12/06/22- North Bend has Pearl Harbor tie
11/30/22- Council: Fines increasing on late dog tags
11/30/22- Friends share candies for 25 years
11/23/22- NBC newsletter going digital
11/16/22- Blind allows hunting from wheelchair
11/08/22- Election Night Upates
11/02/22- Emanuel appointed to federal advisory board
10/26/22- Haunted hill decorates Morse Bluff
10/19/22- Beverage store changes hands
10/19/22- Booster Club giving a boost
10/19/22- School board tours facilities
10/04/22- Successful farmers market season wrapped up
9/28/22- NBC recognized for successful college students
9/21/22- Board lowers tax levies
9/14/22- Bridges holding up expressway
9/14/22- Council talks nuisances again, tires
9/07/22- Survey: youth want to return to hometown
9/07/22- NB Foundation tops $300,000 in grants
8/24/22- Council: court next for nuisances
8/17/22- Scott's Lake known from Saunders County to Supreme Court
8/17/22- Standing C more than excavating
8/10/22- Van Nortwick's final flight passes over North Bend
8/10/22- City, engineer talk multipule projects
8/10/22- Teen umps pitch in so youth can play ball
8/03/22- 50 years of NBC girls athletics, Title IX
8/03/22- Food pantry use up, needs donations
7/27/22- Heat wasn't always so easy to cope with
7/27/22- Benefit to help Happel after accident
7/20/22- School board decides streaming to stay
7/13/22- City to map out economic plan
7/06/22- Leroy's shuts off the grill
6/29/22- Satories win Loving Cup
6/29/22- City considers economic development
6/22/22- School board makes new hires
6/15/22- Live music featured at Old Settlers
6/15/22- Cars and 'cue fill Morse Bluff
6/08/22- Time to prep for Old Settlers
6/08/22- Why are you COVID vaccine hesitant?
6/01/22- Boldt to be NBC interim superientendent
6/01/22- Wagon following Mormon path 175 years later
6/01/22- No chicken rule remains
5/25/22- Memorial Day services planned
5/18/22- Phase III of arboretum trail ready to pave
5/18/22- Brokaw resigns from NBC
5/11/22- School Board primary election results
5/11/22- EPA visits NB sewer plant
5/04/22- Seven in school board primary
4/27/22- North Bend gets new postmaster
4/20/22- Flood prevention goal of study
4/20/22- NBC NHS marks 100 years
4/20/22- NBC board adds two sports
4/13/22- Work on expressway ramping up
4/13/22- Churches plan Easter schedule
4/06/22- Locals help island kids play ball
3/23/22- E/W Cattle Co. raising award winners
3/23/22- Calendar, staffing, curriculum on board agenda
3/15/22- Day care fence destroyed by vandals
3/09/22- Eason keeping close tabs on Ukrainian family
3/02/22- Thieves taking copper from pivots
3/02/22- NBE teacher under investigation
2/23/22- Housing crunch hurting small towns
2/23/22- Board talks mentors, exit surveys
2/16/22- North Bend featured in music video
2/09/22- Blood donors help in crisis
1/26/22- School board starts new year
1/19/22- Remodeled bar and grill opens
1/19/22- Student studying stress from flood
1/12/22- ENOA, Hy-Vee offer free meals to seniors
1/12/22- Walz proposed new school funding

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