The North Bend Eagle


Two NBC students will graduate midterm

by Mary Le Arneal
Published 12/18/24

The North Bend Central Board of Education began its Dec. 9 meeting honoring one of its own. Francis Emanuel is retiring after serving 12 years on the bard.

Links to the NBC school board's policies up for annual review can be found through links here and here.

The board next heard from Hunter Sharp and Alexis Buresh, who are requesting to graduate at the end of this semester. Principal Brenda Petersen reported that they have met all the academic requirements and both have plans to enter programs or an apprenticeship in the new year. The board approved their requests and applauded their efforts to continue their education.

Superintendent Patrick Ningen reported that food service manager Angela Tauber had applied for and received a Nebraska Department of Education grant to buy a new brazier for the high school kitchen.

The Board approved $2,600 to hire GLS Surveying out of Yutan to survey the school’s exact boundaries for possible future use.
Outdated and/or used laptops will be available for sale. Old teacher laptops will be sold at $150. Those still in the box will be $300. They will be sold as is with no support offered.

Principals Tessie Beaver and Petersen reported that the Friendsgiving, where the high school students went to the elementary school in friendship, was a great success. They plan to do it again next year with the elementary students traveling to the high school.

Plans are being made for the K-5th grade winter program on Jan. 15 at 2:30 p.m. Beaver said they are going to try to do a program with all the grades together during the daytime.

Jon Baehr spoke to the board at length about the feasibility of a baseball program at NBC. He surveyed students and 12 said they were interested in the program. This is a low number for a full team. Baehr said many schools are co-opping, but he did not see that as feasible for NBC. After lengthy discussion the subject was tabled with the board requesting that interested students come to the January board meeting.

The discussion then turned to students receiving a NBC letter by the participating in an non-NSAA approved or non-school activity, such as swimming, shooting, rodeo, etc.

“If you are going to letter with us, it should be through us,” Baehr said.

The item was tabled.

The board began its yearly review of policies. They are available for public review through links here and here.

In other business:

• Approved paying Psychometric Solutions for $7,000 for the staff climate survey. The principals brought up that not all the questions were appropriate for classified staff.
• Approved the certified staff negotiated agreement for the 2025-2026 year.
• Hired Jennifer Aspy as an elementary paraeducator.
• Hired Charity Vyhlidal as technology assistant. She will work after school until she graduates and will then go to full time.
• Hired Fred Ladehoff as assistant girls basketball coach.
• Approved disposal of 2006 maintenance van and 2010 passenger van.
The next meeting will be Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. at the high school and streamed.


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