The North Bend Eagle


NBC gathers community input

by Mary Le Arneal
Published 5/1/24

Earlier this school year the public was given the opportunity to take part in a community needs assessment. There will be a public meeting Wednesday, May 8, 6:30 p.m. at the high school to review the results. All are invited and the meeting will be live streamed. The following is the analysis of the data collected written by superintendent Patrick Ningen.

The Community Needs Assessment provided by Psychometric Solutions LLC aimed to understand the strengths and areas for improvement in North Bend Central schools. Parents, staff, alumni, employers and students in grades 3-12 participated.

High Marks for Quality of Education: The overall satisfaction with the quality of education was positive, with ratings ranging from “average” to “very satisfied” across all stakeholder groups. High school students were slightly less satisfied than other groups, but their average score still fell within the positive range.

Preparing Students for the Future: There was room for improvement in perceived preparedness for life beyond high school. While employer ratings were just below average, student and parent ratings fell within the “average” range. The report suggests that aligning curriculum with future career opportunities could be beneficial.

Feeling Welcome at School: Schools prioritize creating a welcoming environment, and the survey results reflect that. Parents and staff reported feeling most welcome, while alumni scores were slightly lower. It’s important to note that middle school students felt particularly welcome in their school building.

Communication Channels: While multiple communication methods are used, there’s a gap for alumni and employers. Alumni reported the lowest satisfaction with how they are kept informed about school events. The district can explore additional communication channels to reach these audiences more effectively.

The Seven-Period Schedule: The current seven-period schedule received mixed reviews. While some stakeholders found it satisfactory, parents expressed a desire for more flexibility in elective scheduling and career exploration opportunities.

Skilled Trades in High Demand: There was strong support for expanding the Skilled Trades program to prepare students for high-demand careers. Stakeholders also emphasized the importance of establishing partnerships with local businesses to strengthen these programs. Upgrading current facilities was preferred over building a new standalone facility.

Read the full story in the print or e-edition.

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