The North Bend Eagle


Board denies baseball, shooting letters

by Mary Le Arneal
Published 1/22/25

At its Jan. 13 meeting the North Bend Central Public School Board of Education listened to students and parents in favor of instituting a baseball program at the school as they had requested at the December meeting.

Mike Dostal said that the American Legion baseball was offering to help with the start up finances.

“We don’t want monetary concern to be the reason not to do the program,” Holly Hild said.

There were 13 NBC boys who expressed interest in a school baseball program, which would not be enough for varsity and JV teams.

A number of students spoke in favor of a school baseball program.
“Our mission is not to create great (fill in the blank) players,” board member Bob Feurer said, “but our mission is to create good people. Some lessons you learn from losing.”

Darren Rangeloff added that you create good people with good coaching.

After the 45 minute discussion a motion was made to add a baseball program to NBC. The board split their votes with Nick Emanuel, Bob Feurer and Amy Williams voting in favor and Andy Swanson, Doug Hoops and Justin Taylor voting against. For a simple majority, four votes would be needed to pass. Hoops told the group to not give up, staying that girls wrestling and softball did not pass their first time before the board either.

The board also addressed the issue of students earning an NBC letter for participating in a sports outside of school, specifically trap shooting.

“The letters are for doing something special for NBC,” activities director Jon Baehr said. “I don’t think it is incumbent upon NBC to reward others outside of NBC.”

Feurer said that approving this for one sport might open up flood water for other sports.

The motion was made to approve club lettering for shooting sports. The motion failed with a 3 to 3 split, with Hoops, Feurer and Emanuel voting in favor and bard members Swanson, Williams and Taylor voting against.

The meeting included the recitation of the oath of office for newly elected Williams and reelected Feurer. Officers were elected with Hoops, Feurer, Taylor retaining their president, vice president and treasurer positions and Swanson elected secretary. Committee members and representatives were appointed.

The principals gave their reports with Brenda Petersen talking about the beginning of second semester.

Elementary principal Tessie Beaver talked about the upcoming preschool class. The school keeps tabs of upcoming students by noting birth announcements and other ways. There are 31 in-district students eligible for preschool in the 2025-2026 school year, and 14 out-of-district students have expressed interest in coming to NBE preschool. That makes a total of 45. The two NBC preschool classes – morning and afternoon – are limited to 20 students each. The in-district families will receive an application next week. Beaver asked the board for direction in dealing with this large class.

Baehr reported on activities on-going and commended the district bus drivers. Saturday, Jan. 11, all buses were in use to take students to different activities.

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