
2012 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.
12/12/12- Tragedy on the River: the search for LeRoy Bird
12/12/12- Salon organizes blessings give away 12/12/12- Local churches plan Christmas serviecs 12/05/12- Update on Bird search 12/05/12- NBC provides electronic library 12/05/12- Holiday homes, decor to be showcased during tour
12/05/12- Eveland achieves Eagle Scout rank 11/21/12- Exchange students enjoying life as Americans
11/21/12- School board sees need for more computers
11/11/12- NBC Veterans' Day video tribute 11/07/12- Local election results 11/07/12- Son finally receives Purple Heart earned by father in WW I
10/31/12- Six vie for three school board seats
10/24/12- NB Arboretum looking for funds to finish trail paving
10/24/12- NBVFD gets improved Jaws of Life 10/17/12- UPS driver retiring after delivering to North Bend for 40 years
10/17/12- Oct. 8 School Board: Committee to study NBC facilities
10/03/11- Homecoming duo carries the NBC vote
9/26/12- Drought causes unusual, early harvest
9/26/12- Dog wakes family ahead of fire alarms
9/19/12- Anderson's horns play different music
9/19/12- Presbyterian pastor's installment first of its kind
9/12/12- Little Lamb preschool welcomes little ones
9/12/12- Sept. 4 City Council: Eyeing sheds, sewers
9/05/12- New-look East Husker Conference off and running
9/05/12- Fire-ravaged downtown block gets new life
8/29/12- Nathan: The Pillgrimage of the Red
8/29/12- Benefit planned for Kreikemeier family
8/23/12- Slideshow: Morse Bluff Q125 Part 2 8/22/12- Summit Grove cleans up: one year later
8/22/12- Aug. 13 school board: Board prepping for more students
8/22/12- New faces join NBC staff
8/17/12- Slideshow: Morse Bluff Q125 Part 1 8/15/12- Morse Bluff celebration enjoyed 8/15/12- NBE expanding again, happy to have growing pains
8/15/12- Aug 7 City Council: City's options with nuisances limited
8/08/12- Tales from Old Morse Bluff about the MB's earliest settlers
8/01/12- Lawnmower races coming to MB 8/01/12- MBQ125 planning a labor of love 7/25/12- Residents asked to restrict watering 7/25/12- Carnegie Library building sold 7/25/12- Trip to casino offers fun, cool
7/18/12- Bluff mural watches with eagle eye
7/11/12- RJ's brings local feel to Main Street
7/11/12- Prague church closes 7/04/12- School lunch subject to new regulations
7/04/12- Long-time members serve Auxiliary
6/29/12- Slideshow: Old Settlers 2012
6/29/12- Slideshow: Library dedication ceremony
6/29/12- Slideshow: Old Settlers kiddie parade 6/27/12- Library is dedicated with ceremony, humor
6/28/12- Nebraska officials react to Supreme Court's decision on health care law
6/27/12- June 19 City Council: Council sets library rental policy 6/20/12- Original old settler recalls settling North Bend in 1856
6/20/12- D.C. Lynch carnival marks 30th year at Old Settlers
6/20/12- School Board: Board meets new teachers
6/13/12- June 4 City Council: Council wary of higher library expenses
6/13/12- Baumert named Father of the Year 6/06/12- Local author to be guest at library dedication
6/06/12- Kloke, Moser named Good Neighbors 5/30/12- Dodge retires from NBC
5/29/12- Video link: Ch. 3 coverage of new Vet Park statue in North Bend
5/24/12- Slideshow: State track Saturday
5/24/12- Slideshow: State track Friday 5/23/12- Morse Bluff post office to remain open
5/23/12- May 15 City Council: Library use debated 5/23/12- Memorial Day services scheduled
5/15/12- Official results of NBC school board primary
5/15/12- Walla raises the (cross) bar, sets school vault record 5/09/12- Nine candidates in running for for NBC school board
5/09/12- Hwy. 30 expressway could be reality by decade's end
5/09/12- First week in new library hectic, thrilling
5/02/12- New Vet Park statue represents a story
5/02/12- Eagle salutes NBC's conference track champs
5/02/12- Main street building is final victim of '09 fire
4/25/12- Students rally against bullying
4/20/12- Rep. Fortenberry: Space Shuttle Discovery makes its final flight 4/18/12- Freshman quick to set school record 4/18/12- Eagle picks up awards in state contest
4/11/12- Geodetic markers record North Bend's place on the planet
4/04/12- Thieves targeting irrigation pivots in area 3/28/12- Wietfeld is NBC's first all-state boys basketball player
3/28/12- Birchwood hosting tenth annual Fools Fest 3/28/12- City Council: City doesn't want to lose downtown parking spots
3/21/12- School Board: Sixth graders to stay at elementary school, plans to build
3/16/12- Video: Take a video tour of the new North Bend library 3/14/12- NBE collecting flip flops for Belize 3/07/12- Johnsons' truck farm puts fresh food on the table
2/29/12- MathCounts wins regional competition 2/22/12- Old school house gets new life
2/22/12- School board wonders where to put kids
2/15/12- Long-time Valentines share secrets
2/15/12- MB-NB Legion juniors to host for state baseball
2/08/12- St. Peter plans preschool
2/08/12- Stolen car recovered in North Bend
2/01/12- East Husker Conference grows to 14 teams
2/01/12- Benefit planned to help Libra family
2/01/12- NBC preschool informational meeting set
1/25/12- Rawhide changing hands, not families
1/25/12- NB native Marg Helgenberger gets her star, leaving CSI
1/18/12- Video: Former Bender on CBS This Morning for love of Friday the 13th
1/18/12- School Board: eyes physical improvements at NBC
1/18/12- NBC office gets makeover
1/11/12- Ron's entering 40th year, changes hours
1/04/12- Updates on the 2011 newsmakers
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