
2017 Archives: Dates listed is when story was published in Eagle or posted online, whichever came first.
12/27/17- Rolenc overcomes much to spend Christmas with family
12/27/17- Otte, Moser retire from blood drives
12/20/17- NBC juniors do well on ACT
12/20/17- School Board: Camera in use on bus
12/13/17- Donated blood saved Lewis
12/13/17- Area churches plan Christmas services
12/06/17- Ruzicka fights wildfires, honors fallen
11/29/17- NBC one act wins conference
11/22/17- School Board: NBC to have comptuer for every student
11/22/17- Tenth St. finally opens
11/15/17- Free Blessings store open Dec. 3
11/08/17- Salt bagging business fills empty farm buildings
11/01/17- Rare triplet calves born on Minarick farm
10/25/17- Cover crops filling more fall fields
10/18/17- Main Street sewer work prevents parking
10/18/17- NBC looks at adding greenhouse
10/11/17- City not happy with $10k mistake
10/11/17- Lodl enjoys first roller coaster at 87
10/11/17- Fischer: Paint it pink in October
10/04/17- Rain slows street paving, repairs
10/04/17- Vet Park statue suffers wound
9/27/17- Hall finds a way to make living off art
9/20/17- Street work continues, detours coming
9/20/17- Former boxer Eckmann fighting for life
9/20/17- NBC career ed students branching out
9/13/17- Royal pair wins NBC Game of Thrones
8/30/17- Local golfers play under eclipse
8/23/17- School board: NBE eyed for updates, $25,000 grant recieved
8/16/17- Trophy collection recalls days of MBHS Cardinals
8/16/17- MB churches welcome Hunt
8/09/17- Planetarium gives eclpise preview at NBE
8/09/17- City Council: Council moving ahead with well
8/02/17- Passing time helps vets tell war stories
8/02/17- Canning tradition kept alive
7/16/17- Vets recall desperate hours of Forrestal fire
7/19/17- School Board: middle schoolers to get laptops
7/12/17- Benders invited to find, hide North Bend rocks
7/12/17- Students can prep for eclipse with portable planetarium at NBE
7/05/17- NBC wrestlers take part in exchange with Maine
7/03/17- Slideshow: Old Settlers 2017
6/28/17- Krepels win Loving Cup
6/28/17- City Council considers shrinking planning commission
6/21/17- New Vet Park kiosk added
6/21/17- Peters opens Main Street office
6/21/17- School board: Student code expanded
6/14/17- BRAN rolls into North Bend
6/14/17- Sign up for Old Settlers activities
6/07/17- Prague park gets boost from Scouts, foundations
5/31/17- Community invited to partake in BRAN events
5/24/17- Slideshow: State track meet
5/24/17- New chiropractic clinic opening in NB
5/24/17- Veterans plan Memorial Day services
5/17/17- Slideshow: NBC graduation
5/17/17- Minarick No. 8 graduates, ending 32-year family run in NB schools
5/17/17- School board looks at needs at NBE
5/10/17- Volunteers needed to help with BRAN ride in North Bend
5/10/17- Local vets on last Honor Flight
5/03/17- Pantry stil serving a year later
5/03/17- NB foundations to benefit from Big Give
4/26/17- Civil War comes to NBC
4/19/17- History shines through church windows
4/12/17- Janik leads Czech relatives home
4/12/17- City Council: Poles must move
3/29/17- City Council: Brick replacement on streets to begin this summer
3/29/17- Coaches come to NBC for strength clinic
3/22/17- For some, farming is a second job
3/22/17- County needs input on housing survey
3/22/17- School board: Marzano methods have kids moving around more
3/15/17- Locals mixed on daylight saving time repeal
3/08/17- Kelberlau donates kidney to friend
3/08/17- Daylight saving time dismissal considered
3/01/17- Library ending capital campaign
2/22/17- North Bend man killed in accident near Fremont
2/22/17- NBC dosen't fit statewide trend of breakfast eaters
2/22/17- School Board: parking lot, softball bid approved
2/15/17- Horse takes tour of North Bend
2/08/17- Newspaper helped bring together Valentines 70 years ago
2/01/17- LEAD takes locals to Asia
1/26/17- Riley takes in presidential inauguration 1/18/17- School Board: Accreditation committee compliments NBC
1/11/17- Hazuka: Polish pilgrimage leaves memories
1/11/17- NBC after school program helping students, families
1/11/17- Slideshow: Optimist youth basketball tournament
1/05/17- New owners take over Gambino's
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